The need for post rehab professionals is everywhere. The aging of north America and tremendous advances in public health, not individual health, are pushing our health care systems to the limit. Public health enhancements have eliminated chlorea, dysentery, and other epidemics that have resulted in major loss of life. With the increased life-span we now can see the results of our longevity. Arthritis, total joint replacements, stroke, and complications from diabetes now are making exercise a mandatory part of life for babyboomers. They have to exercise to continue to boom. A few years ago I introduced the "exercise is the key to long-term management of most medical conditions" phrase. This is the statement that every PRP should have etched in their mind. This justifies the existence of post rehab fitness. Drugs, physical therapy treatment, chiorpractic manipulations only do so much. We know exercise is the key.
Exercise for our seniors and those recovering from cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurological and/or metabolic disorders is essential in their day to day schedules. Its only a short time before the medical community starts to look to our MES', PRCS' and MEPD's as a component in the long-term management solution of those limited mobility and function.
Do we really understand that exercise simply enhances and maintains function. There are several components of function. Exercise enhances each aspect of function. Post rehab clients are referred to improve the
residual functional deficits left after their physical therapy, chiropractic care or medical treatment. The components of function include:

Exercise can enhance each component of function. Develop exercise programs for your clients with functional enhancement in mind. Based on improvement in any one or a combination of these components of function.
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