Monday, July 21, 2008

Do you have the "8 Habits of Highly Effective Post Rehab Professionals"?

As I travel North America teaching our Medical Exercise Specialist and Advanced Essentials of Post Rehab Fitness workshops, I have noticed the highly successful Post Rehab Professionals (PRP’s) demonstrate eight habits that guarantee their success. We will discuss each of these 8 habits and explain the impact each has on a post rehab practice. Successful PRP’s are able to develop safe and effective post rehab programs for a wide range of medical conditions, establish long-term referral relationships with medical professionals, and receive insurance reimbursement for post rehab services. If you embrace these habits, I guarantee you too will grow a profitable and successful post rehab practice. The 8 Habits of highly successful post rehab professionals include:
  1. Define
  2. Present
  3. Report
  4. Follow-Up
  5. Assess
  6. Progress
  7. Motivate
  8. Educate
PRPs define their scope of practice and role in a clear and concise statement in their brochures, marketing materials and presentations. Defining your scope of practice and clearly outlining your menu of services allows you to position yourself as the expert in the rehab spectrum, rather than relying on someone else who lacks a true understanding of your background and education. This could result in an inaccurate definition that will negatively impact the destiny of your practice. Providing a definition of post rehab fitness will further reinforce your scope of practice and prevent any misunderstanding or misconceptions regarding your role as a PRP.

To read more about the 8 Habits, please click the image below to download the podcast and full version of this posting.

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