Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How does a Medical Exercise Specialist Build Credibility?

Credibility seems the one thing post rehab professionals are consistantly searching for but in all the wrong places. I think our Medical Exercise Specialist workshop and certification is the best on the planet. The MES workshop is thorough and gives you all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. But just having the MES won't give you instant credibility. Credibility is built from the ground up by working with a large number of medically-based clients with wide range of conditions over a long period. During that period you demonstrate the ability to manage and progress these clients effectively and you communicate this information to medical professionals and insurance carriers in a clear and concise manner. Again, this is over a long period.

I built credibility as a physical therapist not because I had a PT degree or a license. It was built over a long period treating a wide range of patients and working closely with their physicians and other medical professionals. If you think credibility comes in a certification, weekend workshop, an exercise technique or website, you are sorely mistaken. If you can look back at a large number of your clients and unequivocally say you have managed them well and 80% reached their goals.....YOU HAVE CREDIBILITY!!! The MES certification will give you more knowledge and skills to reach more medical professionals and clients. The MES certification can not make your credible if you have no foundation.

Please let us hear your comments on building credibility by recording your thoughts at 214-615-6505 x9985. We appreciate hearing from you. Click the link below to listen to my comments on building credibility.

Dr Mike

MP3 File

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