Sunday, August 17, 2008

3 Keys to Managing Post Rehab MCL Sprain

Another common injury we see with athletes is the MCL sprain in the knee. The MCL is a stabilizer of the knee and often damaged. Though MCL ruptures are seldom surgically repaired, the occurrence of 1st and 2nd degree sprains is common. The 3 keys to managing this client in a post rehab setting are as follows:

1) Avoid full knee extension until authorized by physician or physical therapist.

2) Strengthen the quad and accentuate vastus medialis recruitment.

3) Avoid activities that increase swelling.

These 3 keys are the foundation of the post rehab program for the MCL client. Also remember, PFS is always lurking with the effused knee. Effuse is common with MCL involvement. Please click the link below to listen to the discussion of these 3 keys.

Dr Mike

Post Rehab Challenge
Your client is a 24 year-old cyclist. She sustained a 2nd degree of the left MCL. She has completed physical therapy and now she has full ROM but an atrohied quadriceps. She has some swelling and point tenderness at the MCL after cycling. How would you adjust the seat for this client and what motion would you limit until the swelling and point tenderness are gone? What complications are associated with knee swelling or effusion?

MP3 File

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