Saturday, August 16, 2008

When does post rehabilitation begin......acute, subacute or chronic stage?

At what stage during the rehab process does post rehab begin? Does it start in the acute stage? Is post rehab only allowed during the chronic stage? Where should post rehab begin? Well there are no established standards on post rehab but we know the acute client is not ready for post rehab. For some clients in the subacute stage post rehab exercise is appropriate but we can say that 80-90% of all post rehab clients are in the chronic stage. The chronic client and/or the client in the late stages of sub-acute phase are the ideal post rehab client. The client is ready for post rehab when he or she is medically stable, is able to participate in 30-60 minutes of exercise with rest breaks, has completed physical therapy or chiropractic care, and has a referral from a physician. The chart belows outlines the stages of recovery and identifies key characteristics of each stage as well as the appropriate professional to deliver services. The chart will make the understanding of the stages of rehab clear to all post rehab professionals.

Dr Mike

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