Friday, August 1, 2008

The post rehab fitnesss/medical exercise you have a system?

Managing the post rehab client requires a systematic approach to assessment and exercise program design. The first step is understanding the related clinical anatomy and pathology of the client's condition. The next step is understanding what NOT to do with regard to exercise for the client. Once you understand what not to do now you must determine the key areas that must be assessed to determine the client's exercise capacity and function. After you have completed the client assessment now you may proceed with establishing an exercise program. Each post rehab client must be approached using this step-by-step systematic approach.
  1. Understand the related clinical anatomy and pathology.
  2. Based on the client's condition what exercises and/or activities are contraindicated.
  3. Determine the key assessment techniques, based on the client's condition, you must utilize to assess the client.
  4. Develop a safe and effective post rehab exercise program based on your assessment findings.
If you can establish a systematic approach to developing the post rehab program, you will increase your clients success levels as well as establish yourself as the post rehab expert in your community. We use this same approach in our PREPS - Post Rehab Exercise Protocols. Visit for more information and to download a sample protocol.

Dr Mike

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